Maria Marshall
Making Nature Fun
© Maria Marshall
Long Biography
Maria Marshall grew up an army brat, traveling from California to Georgia to Alaska
and many states in between. After attending fifth grade in three different schools, she settled with her mom, dad, brother, and sister in Eastern Washington.
Maria moved three more times, including her senior year of high school.
Her final move brought her to the Pacific Northwest where she graduated
from the University of Washington with a B.A. in English and then a J.D. in Law.
Although she has lived in the Puget Sound area for the past 40 years,
she has traveled to Japan, Greece, England, Wales, Switzerland, Hawaii,
Grand Cayman, Bahamas, Canada, France, Italy, Australia, and most of the National Parks in the western US.
Travel Photos © Maria Marshall
After her children were born, Maria stopped practicing law and worked as a teaching assistant running numerous elementary reading programs, a librarian for a small private school, an assistant to librarians in three other schools, and a Girl Scout Troop Leader for twelve years.
Maria is a naturalist, an avid bird watcher and proud parent of two wonderful adults. When she’s not writing, critiquing, or reading (snuggled with her cat), she loves gardening, exploring, hiking, and participating in bird counts.
Unable to quit volunteering, she serves on a number of boards, participates in programs with the Woodland Park Zoo and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and assists with numerous other causes (the Cybils Awards and #50Precious Words).
She’s passionate about using board books, picture books, and chapter books to make reading and nature fun for children.
Mount Rainier, Washington © Maria Marshall