Nessie - The Perfect Picture Book Buzz #PPBF
A stunning #PPBF adventure on the Scottish Loch Ness searching for and trying to prove the existence of the elusive Nessie.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/Andrew Hacket and Review of Hope and the Sea
Enjoyed talking with author Andrew Hacket about his newest sweet, imaginative picture book - Hope and the Sea.

Climbing the Volcano: A Journey in Haiku - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A gorgeous, poetic ode to the wonder & adventure found in hiking, especially up a majestic volcano in the Oregon Cascade mountains.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Kate Allen Fox and Review of A Few Beautiful Minutes
So excited to talk with Kate Allen Fox about the inspiration and creation of her stunning new picture book - A Few Beautiful Minutes.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Carin Berger and Review of In the Night Garden
Excited to visit with the talented Carin Berger about the inspiration and creation of her stunning new picture book - In The Night Garden.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Joanna Cooke
Enjoyed the opportunity to talk with Joanna Cooke about creating her stunning new lyrical picture book - Fire Shapes the World.

The Father Goose Treasury of Poetry - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A gorgeously illustrated collection of Charles Ghigna's amazing poems!

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Charles Ghigna
Excited to interview the talented and prolific author/poet Charles Ghigna about his newest PB - The Father Goose Treasury of Poetry.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Francine Rockey and Kendra Binney - Plus a Giveaway
Interview with Francine Rockey and Kendra Binney about their joint debut book - To Find Treasure in the Mountains. Plus a giveaway.

The Perfect Plan - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
This week's #PPBF book weaves a bit of nature, engineering, and art into creating a perfect tree fort.