June Moon - The Perfect Picture Friday #PPBF
A wonderful, #PPBF, rhyming bedtime story about the moon full of imagination, wonder, and whimsy.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Lynn Becker 2024
Fun talking with author Lynn Becker about the inspiration and creation of her new rhyming and whimsical bedtime board book, June Moon.

Butterfly on the Wind - Perfect Picture Book Friday
This week's #PPBF choice is a gorgeous and powerful book about a young deaf girl creating community and overcoming stage fright with grace.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Adam Pottle and Ziyue Chen
Excited to interview author Adam Pottle and illustrator Ziyue Chen about their stunning new picture book - Butterflies on the Wind.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Marion Kadi and Review of Harriet's Reflections
French debut author/illustrator Marion Kadi shares about the creation of her whimiscal and poignant picture book - Harriet's Reflection.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/ Kim Fleming and Review of My Mummy is a Unicorn
Discussion with Kim Fleming about illustrating her newest newest picture book - My Mummy ina Unicorn.

Franz's Phantasmagorical Machine - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A wonderful nonfiction biography encouraging creativity, tinkering, and invention.