The Picture Book Buzz - Review of Papilio
Exploring the exciting picture book collaboration by author/illustrators Ben Clanton, Corey R. Tabor, and Andy Chou Musser - Papilio.

Grace Builds an Almost Perfect Dog - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
Review of a wonderful STEM picture book interweaving coding, persistence, and friendship - Grace Builds an Almost-Perfect Dog.

Let's Fly - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
Review of a great autobiographical picture book for anyone struggling with their own dreams and anyone who loves planes and adventures.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Chana Stiefel 2025
Lots of fun talking w/ Chana Stiefel about her newest PB biography - Let's Fly: Barrington Irving’s Record-Breaking Flight Around the World.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Pat Zietlow Miller and Review of Unstoppable John
Fun chatting with Pat Zietlow Miller about the inspiration and creation of her first nonfiction picture biography - Unstoppable John.

Anh's New Word - The Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF + Giveaway
This #PPBF this a gorgeous, uplifting story showing how compassion, persistence, and hope transcends language and inspires courage.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Hanh Bui + Giveaway
Enjoyed chatting with the talented Hanh Bui about the personal inspiration for her touching, gorgeous new picture book - Ánh's New Word.

The Picture Book Buzz - Soaring 20's September 2023 Releases
Two wonderful authors from The Soaring 20’s High Flying Books for Kids and Teens have exciting books releasing in September.

Jimmy's Shoes: The Story of Jimmy Choo, Shoemaker to a Princess - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A fascinating nonfiction which offers a great peek into the life, career, persistence, and genius of Jimmy Choo.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Patricia Tanumihardja
Excited to interview Patricia Tanumihardja about her newest picture book - Jimmy’s Shoes: The Story of Jimmy Choo, Shoemaker to a Princess.