The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Caron Levis and Charles Santos + Special Print Giveaway
So honored to interview Caron Levis and Charles Santoso about their stunning and touching new picture book - Mighty Muddy Us!

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Pauline David-Sax
Discussion with Pauline David-Sax on the inspiration and hopes for her new picture book - The Time Machine.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Jennifer Concepcion
Fun talking with author Jennifer Concepcion about the inspiration for and creation of her debut picture book - Potatoes for Pirate Pearl.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Astrid Kamalyan
Exciting chat with debut author Astrid Kamalyan about her writing and her gorgeous picture book - Bábo: A Tale Of Armenian Rug-Washing Day.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Nancy Churnin 2023
The amazing and talented Nancy Churnin discusses the creation of her first historical fiction picture book - Lila and the Jack-o’-Lantern.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Patricia Tanumihardja
Excited to interview Patricia Tanumihardja about her newest picture book - Jimmy’s Shoes: The Story of Jimmy Choo, Shoemaker to a Princess.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Rajani LaRocca 2023
The busy and very prolific Rajani LaRocca shares the long journey to create her newest nonfiction picture book - Your Own and Only Heart.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Valerie Bolling 2023
Super excited to interview Valerie Bolling about her picture books releasing in August - Bing, Bop, Bam: TIme to Jam! and Together We Swim.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Aya Khalil (7/23)
Wonderful to visit again with Aya Khalil and talk about her new picture book, The Great Banned-Books Bake Sale.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview of Hasan Namir and Daby Zainab Faidhi
I'm excited to introduce you all to Hasan Namir & Daby Zainab Faidhi the creators of the new pictue book Banana Dream.