The Picture Book Buzz - Awesome August Books
Three stunning books releasing in August absolutely worth a read and a place in one's library.
The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Anna Orenstein-Cardona
A privilege to talk with Anna Orenstein-Cardona about her stunning and poignant debut picture book - The Tree of Hope.
Courage Like Kate - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
A wonderful #PPBF picture book about a remarkably brave girl who ran a lighthouse.
The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with August STEAM Team Authors
So excited to discuss the inspiration and creation of their new nonfiction books with five STEAM Team Books authors.
The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Anna Crowley Redding and Emily Sutton
Such fun to interview author Anna Crowley Redding and illustrator Emily Sutton on their new nonfiction PB - Courage Like Kate.
Anteaters, Bats, & Boas - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
Stunning nonfiction #PPBF sharing the size and diversity of some of the animals and plants living in the Amazon rainforest.
The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Roxie Munro
Interview with the talented Roxie Munro and insight into her stunning picture book - Anteaters, Bats & Boas.
Mister Rogers' Gift of Music - Perfect Picture Book Friday #PPBF
Sneak peek at a wonderful new picture biography exploring the musical legacy of Mister Rogers.
The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Francine Rockey and Kendra Binney - Plus a Giveaway
Interview with Francine Rockey and Kendra Binney about their joint debut book - To Find Treasure in the Mountains. Plus a giveaway.
The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Donna Cangelosi and Amanda (Moeckel) Calatzis
Excited to interview debut author Donna Cangelosi and illustrator Amanda Calatzis on their exciting new picture book on Mister Rogers!