The Picture Book Buzz - August 2023 Interview with STEAM Team Books Members Part 1
Five super-talented authors from STEAM Team Books discuss the creation of their fantastic new STEM picture & middle grade books.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/ Maria Gianferrari, Maris Wicks + Review of You & the Bowerbird
Such a fun discussion with Maria Gianferrari and Maris Wicks about their collaboration on the picture book - You and the Bowerbird.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Rajani LaRocca 2023
The busy and very prolific Rajani LaRocca shares the long journey to create her newest nonfiction picture book - Your Own and Only Heart.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview Marsha Diane Arnold, Anne Yvonne Gilbert + Review Armando's Island
Excited to talk w/ Marsha Diane Arnold and Anne Yvonne Gilbert about their stunning new picture book - Armando's Island.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/Srividhya Venkat and Kate Wadsworth + Review of Girls on Wheels
Great discussion with author Srividhya Venkat and illustrator Kate Wadsworth about the creation of their picture book - Girls on Wheels.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Valerie Bolling 2023
Super excited to interview Valerie Bolling about her picture books releasing in August - Bing, Bop, Bam: TIme to Jam! and Together We Swim.

The Picture Book Buzz - Soaring 20's August 2023 Releases
Fun chat with Vicky Fang and Rajani LaRocca about their exciting books releasing in August.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Aya Khalil (7/23)
Wonderful to visit again with Aya Khalil and talk about her new picture book, The Great Banned-Books Bake Sale.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview of Hasan Namir and Daby Zainab Faidhi
I'm excited to introduce you all to Hasan Namir & Daby Zainab Faidhi the creators of the new pictue book Banana Dream.

The Picture Book Buzz - July Interview with STEAM Team Books Members
7 stupendous authors from STEAMTeam Books share the inspiration and creation of their new NF STEM books.