The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/ Kim Fleming and Review of My Mummy is a Unicorn
Discussion with Kim Fleming about illustrating her newest newest picture book - My Mummy ina Unicorn.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/Rebecca Hirsch and Mia Posada + Review of Rise to the Sky
Interview with Rebecca Hirsch and Mia Posada about their new NF picture book - Rise to the Sky: How the World’s Tallest Trees Grow Up.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/Marzieh Abbas and Anu Chaouhan Plus Review of A Dupatta Is . . .
Excited to interview Marzieh Abbas and Anu Chouhan about their creation of the picture book - A Dupatta Is . . .

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Patricia Toht and Jarvis
Patricia Toht and Jarvis join me to talk about their gorgeous new rhyming picture book - Pick a Perfect Egg.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/ Cathy Ogren and Review of PEW! The Stinky Legendary Gift
Enjoyed interviewing Cathy Stefanec Ogren about her debut picture book - PEW!: The Legen-Dairy Gift from Colonel Thomas E Meacham.

The Picture Book Buzz - Teresa Robeson and Angela Poon Plus Review of Who Is Tibet's Exiled Leader?
Excited to interview this dynamic duo and provide a sneak peek at Who is Tibet’s Exiled Leader?: The 14th Dalai Lama.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with Natasha Khan Kazi and Review of Moon's Ramadan
Fun talking with Natasha Khan Kazi about her author/illustrator debut - Moon's Ramadan.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview with March STEAM Team Authors
Seven STEAM Team Books authors offer behind the scenes information on their six STEAM book releasing in March.

The Picture Book Buzz - Soaring 20's Spring 2023 Releases
Interview with the talented Qing Khuang and Rajani La Rocca about their newest released books.

The Picture Book Buzz - Interview w/ Lindsay Metcalf, Jeanette Bradley, and Keila Dawson
Lindsay Metcalf, Jeanette Bradley, and Keila Dawson talk about their creativity and the creation of the poetry anthology - No World Too Big.